Blazer Stories

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尼克·克努夫曼-布鲁尔的旅程始于beat365平台(JWCC), where he experienced a beautiful campus, cost-effective education, 顺利转学到西伊利诺伊大学. His involvement in extracurricular activities, 包括学生会和Phi Theta Kappa, 以及JWCC优秀的教职员工的支持, were key to his success.

Now residing in Greater Peoria, Nick在Simantel担任人力资源副总监,他的职业生活与家庭生活保持平衡. His leadership at...

  • Christy and Seren Davenport Pursue Nursing Together


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  • New Age Farming with photo of Mike Tenhouse


    在本期JWCC播客节目中,农业主任迈克·滕豪斯和总裁迈克·滕豪斯博士. Bryan...

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  • Catharine Miller Speaking at Graduation


    凯瑟琳来到beat365平台,对自己的下一步不确定. During her time...

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  • Preparing Students For A Changing World

    看看这段beta365公共关系的深刻对话, communication, and the importance of emotional intelligence...

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  • Photo of Eric Foster and Lauren Archer Laughing



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  • Photo of Mike Terry Speaking


    JWCC President Dr. 布莱恩·伦弗洛和迈克·特里教授讨论教育并分享他们的观点...

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  • 埃里克·福斯特和伦弗洛总统相视而笑

    JWCC校园对话:总裁Renfro和Eric Foster

    在我们的第一集校园对话中. Bryan Renfro hosts Student Life Coordinator...

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  • Photo of Jeremiah Talton and Brad Hoyt


    在本期播客中,我是社区学院体育主任约翰·伍德 & Head Men’s Basketball Coach Brad...

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  • Kory Hollensteiner在十字教堂讲道的照片


    科里·霍伦斯坦纳(Kory Hollensteiner)是伊利诺伊州昆西十字教堂的校园牧师. He shares...

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  • Andrew Rudd Sitting In John Wood Recording Booth

    A Commitment To Quincy Through Soccer

    “Quincy is in my blood.“安德鲁·路德通过约翰表达了他对昆西伊利诺伊州的承诺...

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  • Tyler Bickers portrait in studio



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  • Portrait of Jose Almazan

    Jose Almazan - Getting Support In A New Culture

    何塞·阿尔马赞是约翰·伍德社区学院的杰出投手. Jose came to America...

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  • Portrait of Michael DeLaRosa

    Michael DeLaRosa - Making a Change

    Michael DeLaRosa分享了他的旅程和对广播的热情. Growing up in Chicago, WLS was...

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  • Artist Nevin McNally Stands next to his painting

    Nevin McNally - Art is A Different World

    内文·麦克纳利是昆西本地人,一生都是艺术家. He...

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  • Maranda Mize - Living For Your Family


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  • Sam Hilbing Mark Higley Memorial Scholarship

    Sam Hilbing: Beating Adversity and Finding Success

    山姆获得了马克·希格利纪念奖学金. The scholarship has helped him financially and...

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  • Alaina Plyican

    Alaina Plyican获得ICCS基金会卫生保健奖学金

    “我从来没有赢得过什么,所以赢得这个奖学金意味着一切.” Alaina has fought through many...

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  • Jeremiah Talton Taking and Interview

    Jeremiah Talton On Becoming a Blazer


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  • Coach Hoyt & Blazers Prepped for Another Year

    “在我们为下一年做准备的时候,我知道这个领域有一些令人兴奋的事情.” Coach...

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  • Stephanie Fleer

    Taking Determination to A Whole New Level

    当斯蒂芬妮·弗勒(Stephanie Fleer)决定进入约翰·伍德社区学院(John Wood Community College)时,她是...

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  • Arturo Melendez

    Discovering His Abilities

    阿图罗·梅伦德斯(Arturo Melendez)从一个有点不忠诚的高中生变成了一个被要求忠诚的高中生...

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  • Olivia Hanson

    Gaining Momentum

    当奥利维亚·汉森(Olivia Hanson)开始在JWCC学习时,她对大学生活感到紧张和不确定...

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  • Mark Schneider

    Growing Into His Potential

    当马克·施耐德(Mark Schneider) 18岁第一次上大学的时候,他的处境并不理想...

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  • The Will Family on JWCC's Quincy campus

    Family Matters


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  • Adding Fuel to the Fire

    校友Ryan Neisen如何利用他在JWCC的时间开启了这条道路...

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  • Liz Bentley

    A Mind on Music

    当利兹·本特利(Liz Bentley)进入约翰·伍德社区学院(John Wood Community College)时,她知道自己正在...

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  • 德文·斯特恩克和昆西校区平面设计实验室的一名学生.

    Designing the Future


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  • Q & A with Teresa Bertelli

    Teresa Bertelli是JWCC的咨询服务协调员.   What made you choose...

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  • Moving to the Future


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  • John Wood Community College Student Grace Meyer

    Focused on Success

    格蕾丝·梅耶(Grace Meyer)是一个习惯于打破期望的女人. Born with spina bifida...

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  • Evan Conover sitting on the stage

    For the Love of Music

    埃文·科诺弗(Evan Conover)是约翰·伍德社区学院(John Wood Community College)的一名大二学生,他还在做决定...

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  • Bruce Oglat at John Wood Community College


    篮球比赛把我带到了beat365平台. As a teenager, I...

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  • The Smith triplets at their JWCC graduation

    Triple the Value


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  • TDT Alumnus Luke Lish in his truck.

    Driven to Success

    在通过beat365平台的卡车司机培训(TDT)计划获得CDL之前, Luke...

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—Brent Mansfield, Crop Production Researcher


—Katie Richárd, FBI

我参加了不同学科的课程,以找到我想要的生活 & learned what I was truly passionate about.

—Breckon Bice, Project Engineer- Nenan Co.

Greg Havermale, physician and JWCC alumnus


—Greg Havermale, Physician

Sebastian Francis, NASA employee and JWCC Alumnus

My professors were tough, 但当普渡大学在第三年中期破例让我加入这个项目时,我知道他们是在尽职尽责.

—Sebastian Francis, NASA